Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma propagation

Find out how to propagate the "mini monstera"!


Rhaphidophora tetrasperma, aka the "mini monstera," is so easy to propagate!

Just like any other climbing vine, the nodes are super easy to locate. Just find where a leaf is growing out of the stem.

Cut off the vine, making sure to include the node on the part that gets cut off.

Why? Because the node is where new growth comes from—leaves and roots—and we want roots!

Now prepare a container of moist potting mix and stick the cutting into the mix, with the node buried so roots can grow.

Try using a garden stake or a moss pole.

If you cut off a large vine, you might need to give the cutting something to support its weight.

Most of your work is done! It's time for the plant to do its work now.

Keep the cutting in bright, indirect light, and keep the potting mix moist. It's best for root development.

Roots should develop within a few weeks, but all plants and environments are different—it could be over a month.

Have patience, and soon you'll see new growth on your baby Rhaphidophora!

Congrats! You've successfully propagated Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma!

Now, learn how to care for your new plant and keep it alive!