Propagating Fishbone Cactus

Propagating Fishbone Cactus

It's easier than you think! See the 4 steps...


There are a few different ways to propagate the fishbone cactus: - Whole stem - Stem pieces - Division

Today, we'll talk about the very easy whole-stem method!

1. Find a few stems on your cactus that you're OK with removing. Use clean scissors to cut them off at the base.

Put the cuttings aside for a few days to let the ends callus to form a protective layer.

2. Once the cuttings have callused over, prepare a container of moist potting mix.

It should be lightly moist to the touch, not dripping wet. Keep the soil at this level of moisture at all times.

Depending how large they are you may need to support them with something.

3. Stick the ends of the cuttings into the container.

4. Put the container in an area with bright, indirect light.

If you can, increase the humidity for the cuttings. Putting a clear plastic bag over the top of the container is an easy way to do this.

After a few weeks, a new root system will be well on its way to developing, and you'll soon see growth on your new fishbone cactus!

Learn about the other fishbone cactus propagation methods below.

Plus, learn how to keep your new cactus alive!
