EASY Hoya Bella propagation

EASY Hoya Bella propagation

Here's how to propagate this rare and beautiful hoya...


The Hoya Bella is a rare plant with signature Hoya star-shaped flowers.

Although it has a moderate growth rate, Hoyas are generally slow growers. Keep that in mind for propagation!

1. Find a stem on the Hoya with a few healthy sets of leaves and cut it off the plant

Stems will grow larger, but they won't produce more stems. Take more than one stem to create a fuller plant.

2. Remove a set or two of the lower-most leaves to expose the nodes—where new roots will grow.

3. Plant those stems into a container of moist potting mix so the nodes are buried.

It can be fun to watch the roots grow, though!

You can also put the cutting in water, but this method will take even longer.

4. Put the cuttings in moderate to bright, indirect light. Keep the potting mix moist as the roots develop.

Note that "moist" and "wet" are NOT the same thing. This is a very important distinction!

Hoyas are slow growers, so don't get discouraged if it's a while before you notice new growth.

Allow your Hoya Bella to work its magic! Within a few months, you'll have grown a new plant.

Now that you've successfully propagated the Hoya Bella, you need to know how to keep it alive!

Click below for a complete (and super easy) care guide.