Shangri La Pothos (the "sleeping pothos")

3 MUST-KNOW care tips + how to keep its "sleeping" appearance!


The Shangri La Pothos is known for its shriveled leaves. Yes—it's SUPPOSED to look like that!

Nicknames include: - Sleeping pothos (since the leaves won't fully open) - Spinach pothos - Godzilla pothos

However, there is ONE thing that will cause this pothos to fully wake up. 

Too much light! To keep its unique appearance, provide it with moderate light—no more than that.

If given too bright light, the leaves will fully open up.

It's a delicate balance that will likely require some experimenting to find the perfect spot in your home.

Water it when the potting mix is dry two-or-so inches down.

Once you have the lighting figured out, Shangri La Pothos care is straightforward. Phew!

It won't dry out as quickly as plants sitting in bright light will.

Therefore, be careful not to overwater it. Always feel the potting mix first before watering.

Plant this pothos in a well-draining potting mix.

A regular houseplant mix will work fine, but adding in some extra perlite really helps to increase drainage!

Now that you've got the basics of Shangri La Pothos care down, check out my FULL care guide so you don't miss ANY important details and my recommended supplies!