Propagating Pink Princess Philodendron

Propagating Pink Princess Philodendron

Just three easy steps!


With its beautiful pink leaves, propagating the pink princess philodendron is a no brainer—of course you'd want to grow more of these plants!

Luckily, it's easy to do...

Find a healthy section of the philodendron that has at least one leaf.

Cut it off just below the node. The node is where the smaller leaf stem attaches to the main stem of the plant.

Step 1

Step 1


Plant the cutting into a pot with damp potting mix.

Be sure to bury the node, as that is where the new roots will sprout.

Step 2

Step 2

Put the cutting in bright, indirect light and keep the potting mix damp as the roots grow.

Step 3

Step 3

In a few weeks, you can gently tug the cutting to feel for resistance as a test if roots have developed!

Now that you've propagated your pink princess philodendron into a second plant, learn how to keep it alive!

Find out how in my blog post!

Find out how in my blog post!
