How to Propagate the peacock plant!

How to Propagate the peacock plant!

In just 4 easy steps...


Calathea Makoyana is also known as the "Peacock Plant" for its fancy foliage.

The easiest way to propagate this calathea is through division.

1. Gently turn the pot toward its side and slip the Peacock Plant out of the pot.

Find a healthy section that has its own root system.

2. Carefully separate as much of that root system as you can from the rest of the plant.

Some root breakage is inevitable, but try your best not to!

Using a pot that's too large could lead to overwatering.

3. Repot your newly separated plant into an appropriately sized pot and water it.

4. That's it! Give your Peacock Plant some time to adjust, as it's just gone through quite a shock being rehomed.

Continue to care for your calathea how you normally would.

Now that you've successfully propagated the Peacock Plant, you need to know how to keep it alive!

Click below for a complete (and super easy) care guide.
