Polka Dot Begonia Propagation

Polka Dot Begonia Propagation

Just three easy steps!


Find a healthy stem on your begonia that you want to propagate.

Make sure to include at least one node (where leaves grow out of the main stem).

Step 1

Step 1

New roots grow from nodes which is why they're important.

(Although most will still be centered around the nodes.)

Fun fact: Roots can actually grow anywhere along the stem of a polka dot begonia!

Prepare a small pot with damp potting mix. Plant the stem into the pot.

The node should be buried so new roots can grow. (If there is a leaf growing from that node, you can pluck it off.)

Step 2

Step 2

Put the cutting in bright, indirect light and keep the potting mix damp (helpful for root development!)

Step 3

Step 3

In a few weeks, test for new roots by gently tugging at the stem and feeling for resistance.

Woohoo! You've propagated yourself a brand new polka dot begonia.

Now learn how to keep it alive in my blog post!