Peperomia Obtusifolia Variegata Propagation

It's SO easy!

See the 5 steps


Find a stem on your Peperomia with some healthy leaves.

A strong, healthy plant has the best chance of being propagated successfully.

Locate a node on the stem—a node is where the leaf grows out of the stem. It's also where all new growth on a plant comes from—including roots!

Now, use scissors to cut BELOW the node. Why?


Cutting below ensures the node will be included on the part you cut off the plant.

Since we want new roots to grow on the cutting, this will trigger roots to grow from that node.

Choose a propagation method:

Water: Stick the cutting into a jar of water, with the node is underwater.

Soil: Stick the cutting into a container of moist soil., with the node is buried.

Put the cutting in bright, indirect light and don't bother it except to...

...add more water when needed (it'll evaporate) or keep the soil lightly moist if you chose that method.

Be patient, it could take weeks, but eventually roots will grow.

 If you used water propagation you can transfer your new Peperomia Obtusifolia Variegata to soil once the roots are 2-3 inches long.

Now that you've created a new plant, check out the blog post to learn how to care for your Peperomia Obtusifolia Variegata!
