Oxalis Triangularis Propagation

A how-to guide with 2 easy methods!


Oxalis Triangularis is also known as the purple shamrock plant.

They can be propagated two ways: through their bulbs or through division of the plant.

Propagation Through Bulbs

When the plant enters its dormancy period, it will die back.

When this happens, you can repot the bulbs into separate pots.

Plant the bulbs 1-2 inches down into moist potting mix. Make sure they are spaced out if you plant more than one together.

Voila! Once the dormancy period ends, you'll have a bunch of new plants.

Propagation Through Division

Division is the same concept, but you don't have to do this while your plant is dormant.

Gently remove the plant from the pot and separate sections you want to divide.

Be sure to keep the bulbs with each section of the divided plant.

Repot each section and water them. Your Oxalis will be a little shocked so some foliage may close up. Just give it time to adjust!

Congratulations on propagating your Oxalis Triangularis! Soon, you'll have new baby plants to care for.

Click below for a complete (and super easy) care guide!
