How to Propagate Heartleaf Philodendron

Just 5 Easy Steps!

See what they are...


STEP 1: Pick Out a Node

A node is where the leaf meets the stem and where new growth comes from. New roots will grow out of the node on the cutting.

Step 2: Cut Off the Stem

Step 2: Cut Off the Stem

Cut off a piece of the heartleaf philodendron below the node. "Below" means the node will be included on the cutting.

Step 3: Put the Cuttings in Water or Potting Mix

Put the cuttings in water or moist potting mix. Make sure the node is in the water or buried in the potting mix so the roots can grow.

The cuttings need light to continue growing! Find a spot with bright, indirect light to put them.

Step 4: Let There Be Light!

SteP 5: Sit Back and Wait

Keep the water full or the potting mix moist—whatever method you chose. Other than that, leave the cuttings alone so they can grow into a new baby heartleaf philodendron!

Now Learn How to Care for your newly propagated Heartleaf philodendron!

Now Learn How to Care for your newly propagated Heartleaf philodendron!
