How Can You Tell If a Plant Has Root Rot?

And how to prevent it!


Root rot happens when a plant is severely overwatered.

Roots need oxygen. If kept in too much water, they'll drown!

Common signs of root rot include:

1. Lots of yellow leaves 2. Mushy stems and leaves 3. Leaf drop 4. Stunted growth 5. Dark, brown, mushy roots

You can prevent root rot by NOT overwatering your plant! There are a few things that can help you with this...

1. Use a well-draining potting mix 2. Use a pot with a drainage hole 3. Feel the potting mix before watering—make sure it's not still wet

4. Consider using a terra cotta pot. They dry out faster than plastic pots 5. Use the correct-size pot. Using too big a pot can cause overwatering

Now, learn what to do if your plant ALREADY has root rot! Can your plant be saved? Find out!

Now, learn what to do if your plant ALREADY has root rot! Can your plant be saved? Find out!
