Alocasia Zebrina Propagation

Alocasia Zebrina Propagation

In Just 3 Easy Steps!


Alocasias can be propagated through their corms that grow underground—similar to bulbs!

Remove the plant from its pot and search around the roots for corms.

Snip them off of their attached roots.

Step 1

Step 1

Peel off the outer shell and place the base of the corm in a small amount of water with the top sticking out.

Give it bright, indirect light and humidity.

Step 2

Step 2

In a few weeks, roots will sprout and a new stem will come from the top of the corm!

Once the stem grows a leaf, you can plant it into soil, water it, and care for it like a normal alocasia.

Step 3

Step 3

Get more helpful propagation tips, see what a corm looks like, and learn how to successfully grow this plant!